# 71 - “Don’t wear glasses, they make your eyes weak.”
When writing about the one hundred things mom taught me a million times I usually research the topic de jour, and almost always find surprising scientific research supporting mom’s seemingly off-the-wall beliefs. And then there are those days when, after looking at the Google links, I feel like I’ve strayed into the Twilight Zone! Today was one of those. Click on arrow below...
When I Googled “wearing glasses makes your eyes weak,” 83 pages of mostly wacko-to-the extreme info popped up. For example: One site claims “glasses and contact lens are merely a crutch for your eyes.” I swear, mom always said glasses are just a crutch! The site further claims, “Your eyes will therefore become lazy and weaker with time.” Mom said that too! This site, however, was selling “pinhole glasses” that supposedly “exercise” your eyes to make them stronger. I ask you. Would you ride in a car with a driver wearing these?
One commenter on one of the illogical number of blogs dedicated to this issue said:
Don't take any internet morons words for it, especially from 3rd world fools that marketers will target with bogus products, because most of them are scientifically illterate [sic] and superstitious, they buy into worthless crap and scams the 1st world will no longer be interested in. Placebo effect is what you get with these products, and this illusion works better the dumber and more misinformed you are. Fucking with your eyes is nothing to fuck with, unless your suicidal and then I suggest you look into why you're an insane nutbag first.
I think that guy is a recently laid off Optician, who will any day now enter the mall carrying a shotgun.
So back to mom and our crutch glasses. If wearing glasses doesn’t weaken your eyes, why does your prescription have to be strengthened every time you get your eyes checked? Don’t tell me it’s because we’re getting older. I’ve really had it with that highly over-used excuse for everything that happens after you turn 40.
Aldous Huxley, (left), who wrote Brave New World, also wrote a book called The Art of Seeing, which is about the Bates method of “strengthening the eyes,” by undoing a “habitual strain to see.” Of course Dr. Bates, who was prone to amnesia, was considered a kook, but mostly by the “glasses” industry.
Also, apparently some people get prescriptions for human growth hormone to improve their eyesight. Human growth hormone improves muscle tone, which extends to the tone of the muscles that control the eyes - resulting in not needing reading glasses anymore. Hmmmm, vision steroids – sketchy, but not as sketchy as eye services marked down from $19.95 to FREE!
I checked into Lasik surgery but the Dr. said that because I have weird-shaped eyeball, I would still need glasses to read, but not for driving. Excuse me, $8,000 for a larger selection of designer sunglasses?
I think I’ll take my glasses off and go lie down, I can feel my eyes weakening by the second.
OMG, this just proves what I've always known. My Mommy was brilliant. When I was employed as a full time professor, I had prescription glasses. Two pair cost more than $600. Now, as a sometime professor and full time writer (without insurance), I wear the WalMart $19.99 reading glasses. In fact, I had to put them on to find the $ sign on the keyboard. This ought to prove what my Mommy said. Glasses make your eyes weak. Right? Jane
Good Day and welcome to the Gals – Very Smart Gals blog. My name is SueAnn Wade-Crouse, and I am a very proud mother of three and grandmother of eight, and have been happily married for 20+ years to an extraordinary man. I am also a development consultant/grant writer, over-reader, camper and closet recluse. I have walked on the coals of life and survived and become stronger from that which hasn’t killed me. My life is blessed with abundant and magnificent family and friends. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you will post a comment, subscribe, and email the site to your friends. Lust for Life.
What the heck is Gals – Very Smart Gals? I originally created the Very Smart Gals blog because I wanted, or perhaps needed, to record my memories of my recently departed mom, Willie Belle Forbes Wade. Willie was a wile old gal who taught her four daughters and one son many things, not the least of which was to make friends with smart women. Since she was a schoolteacher by trade, she tended to teach her life lessons over and over (the reinforcement principal), so I decided a good way to memorialize my mom and capture her wisdom was to repeat the things she taught me. Voila! “One Hundred Things My Mom Taught Me A Million Times,” the anchor of the Gals – Very Smart Gals blog, was born. Another thing Willie taught us was to read, read, read. Aware of my reading addiction, friends often ask, “What’s good?” So, I began reviewing books on my Gals – Very Smart Gals blog as well, even drawing comments from some of the authors of books reviewed. Then in the fall of 2009, one of the 350+ gals on my list of Very Smart Gals said, “Who are the Very Smart Gals? Why are you keeping all of them to yourself?” So, I began a series of lunches and happy hours to introduce 3-6 women at each get together. The outcome was magical and difficult to define. There were women I had known for 20 years I didn’t know knew each other. There were rediscovered friendships. Gals even discovered shared distant relatives! And each lunch or happy hour ended with very smart gals knowing more very smart gals. The Very Smart Gals live all over the US; they’re every age and every color; they’re wealthy and barely scraping by. In fact, their only common denominator, other than being female, is “smart.”I also tend to be reclusive, so getting the Very Smart Gals together is part of my self-induced therapy, to get me out of my shell. So, what’s the agenda of the Very Smart Gals; what is the deeper meaning? Very Smart Gals is about women appreciating, honoring and supporting each other, and according to wile Willie, that is important enough.
"Very Smart Galsis a very smart blog from SueAnn Wade-Crouse. It covers books, artists, charities and music, along with family reflections from Wade-Crouse's intentional life. Like the best blogs, it blends its author's personality with potentially useful information."
OMG, this just proves what I've always known. My Mommy was brilliant. When I was employed as a full time professor, I had prescription glasses. Two pair cost more than $600. Now, as a sometime professor and full time writer (without insurance), I wear the WalMart $19.99 reading glasses. In fact, I had to put them on to find the $ sign on the keyboard. This ought to prove what my Mommy said. Glasses make your eyes weak. Right? Jane