Saturday, August 13, 2022

100 Things I Want To Tell My Children And Grandchildren, #43

Be kind. 

This photo is in memory and honor of my 
beautiful, youngest sister Honey. I miss you. 

My husband of 32 years, who has undergone three open-heart surgeries and had numerous strokes leaving him somewhat physically and cognitively disabled, recently fell and broke his nose and badly cut his face, leading to four middle-of-the-night emergency room visits (due to uncontrolled bleeding), and a week-long stay in the hospital. Despite being the one injured, my amazing spouse was accepting and non-complaining, as usual. I, on the other hand, was terrified, exhausted, angry, and questioning the quality of my life.


Then I saw that one of my grandchildren had posted a very touching, unexpected TikTok tribute to me featuring every text I’d ever sent her - dozens of words of advice, encouragement, warnings, etc. Words I never knew she even read or paid attention to. My granddaughter's kindness and acknowledgment instantly transported me from a very dark place, and made me realize how powerful a simple act of kindness can be. 


We know so little about each other’s lives and what people are going through, and each of us has the opportunity to offer some small kindness that can transform a life or just brighten someone's day. 


Be kind. 


  1. Oh SueAnn, I am so very sorry that your wonderful husband’s health is worsening. He is such a beautiful soul, as are you. Your message of the power of kindness is beautifully written and spot on. And your granddaughter’s thoughtful act of kindness was so special. Sending much love and many hugs. 💕

  2. Thank you dear heart XOXO
